Expert Authority Effect™ Interviews Presents:
Mario Fachini will teach you how to create & launch your video podcast!
Expert Authority Effect™ Interviews Presents:
Mario Fachini will teach you how to create & launch your video podcast!
• What is video podcast and why should I care?
• Why should I have a video podcast for my business?
• Focus
• Frequency
• Format
• Fashion & Function
• Setting Up Your Studio
• Producing an Episode
• Frequently Asked Questions
• It’s Time To Do It On Camera !
• Video in podcasting I’ve noticed has ramped up a ton even since January when I joined Paradise on the 5th, for 5-6 months it felt like I was the only one doing it now 1/3 says they are
• You can go as nuts as you want, my crew I take on-location shoots for clients has worked on major motion pictures, and all of us have a background in editing, special effects and 3D animation (think Finding Nemo/Transformers) …ironically enough Transformers 5 is one they worked on…its not a matter of “What can we do” its way more “what do you want to achieve….and how much you got to make it happen ;) )
Video at the broadcast level is still SOME $$$ involved (Way less than before like 10x way less) but if $100 for a mic is “a lot” than $700-$1,000 on 1 software alone (and you still need more) is already a wall for them.
I’m very up front and honest with everyone about “What it takes” and in short ” a lot more effort, commitment and dedication” however …it is 100% possible to do this from a room in your home now w/o a crew or studio
• Paradise update — Video Podcast was the 1st thing I looked for and I haven’t gone back to that specific one other than today as a reference but at the time it basically was “Video? …Use skype or zoom , hit record”
I’m breaking my course down into 3 levels: “I want video, I want good video, Hollywood watch out! – Broadcast/Cinema Quality Video”
I would highly advise something similar.
Audio only podcast (little jealous tbh since its so much more simplistic) you can say “I want to sound the best of the best like JLD” and you pretty much can be all in for about $1,000 or less and be great for years and make millions (as you and JOhn have) no video…no problem
Video …well shoot, you could have a 3 camera setup of some 4K BlackMagic Ursa Cinema’s ($6,000 a piece = $18,000) for cameras alone, or if we’re talking RED’s $20,000-$60,000 A PIECE …no audio yet)
In short it can get way overkill, way quick, my goal has been to distill it down to the most effective, not minimum mentality, but “what do i really need to get this broadcast-quality w/o a full live studio setup, that I can run on my own w/o a crew, and have predictable reliable results everytime i flip the switch for the 1st 1,000 episodes
So thats what i did :)
It all starts with setting the right expectation and realizing tech changes, and “The look” plays a big role, set design, branding, appropriate costume, lighting, etc
Joe Rogan’s show looks a lot different than mine, and Jaime Masters is different from Frank Kerns, none are “Wrong” its just preference.
I’m gonna end this here because I can and have given full live training in front of audiences for 1/2 a day and wrote my 1st book on it, but want you to be able to finish the email in at least 24 hrs ;)
Happy to jump on a call and dive deeper but the main thing I remember was basically: ” in addition to a mic you need a webcam and hit record, use Skype or Zoom” while you can and most do, i knew there was more and it was possible to create a talk show, tv quality….and get it on Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon ;) <<
Hope that helps :)
“When You Understand the Nature of a thing… You Know What It’s Capable Of!” ~ Blade
2) Why should I have a video podcast for my business?
• What is the value your show adds
• Who is your ideal listener?
• Who is your ideal watcher?
• How many episodes a week: Do I want to? Can I produce? (Realistically, & OnGoing)
• Q & A
• Topic-Based
• Interview Style
• Variety
• Fashion & Function
These are tenant’s I consider with nearly all aspects of life, daily, and they apply to the show as much as anything.
When you’re investing in that new watch, men or that new pair of red bottoms, women. Are you investing for “Fashion or Function” ?
• When you invest in the camera, is it for fashion or function?
• When you invest in the microphone, is it for fashion or function?
The chair
The Desk
The Wires
The Boom Arm
The Mic Flag
The Keyboard
THe Monitors
The Riser Stand
The In Ear Monitors
The Desktop Monitors
The Extension cables
The STudio Lights
The Audio Interface
Every aspect of your show is not longer only “Function” but also, “Fashion” …if its in the shot, they can see it, if its not in the shot, you can see it, if it looks depressing, it’s probably not the energy you want to look at every day while you’re producing your moonshow of a show.
Everything we are discussing is about you and hope it helps you, just as much as how it helps your audience.
One of my favorite assets I invested in are these simple yet super effective headphone extension wires…I no longer choke myself when I’m live on camera, even if I turn…and that’s a good thing for me, the show, and the audience. [Function] but DO NOT get white, anything, its SUPER VISIBLE, no matter what it is on camera, I despite most of the MACs adaptors, and cords, especially the headphones for this exact reason. Great company, good products, horrible for hiding on camera [ Fashion ]
• Make a List of the 1st month of shows ( Q’s, Topics, Guests,) X the frequency of your show (4-30 episodes)
• Book the guests
• Record the episodes
• Edit the episodes
• Publish the episodes
• Promote the episodes
• Rinse and Repeat
• How do I sell sponsorships to businesses, affiliates, & partners that want hard numbers?
• Who should I use to host my show? — Libsyn, they’re the best | I invite you to use my friend John’s promo code ” FIRE” and you will get the rest of this month, and all of next month FREE. | “What about Anchor?” — I would not suggest it, sure the price is attractive, but the control and access of your show is no longer yours. It’s simply not worth it. If $20/month too much of an investment, I wouldn’t suggested getting started right now, this should be a non-issue, let alone mental energy going to a roadblock.
• Do I need my Video Podcast Website to be live before I launch my show?
Things that are really on my mind, but don’t know how, or want to ask:
• The reason I have not done my livestream show as a podcast is I need to make sure it’s done right.
A) You’re already the hard part, but still playing safe, subconsciously you may know you’re reaching a smaller # of listeners and viewers than you know you could be and you know once you do it proper you will get found easier, faster, by a larger audience, while this should EXCITE YOU, its scaring you because you know its a bigger game, with more moving parts, and you don’t know all the answers ….yet. Go through this whole course, in detail, and than again once you implement all teh steps, you won’t be scared anymore and you’ll be excited as you should be :)
• I don’t want to invest too much in case it doesn’t work, what should I start with?
A) Forgetting all the details and technology, and admit the bottleneck is your psychology, if you believe you’re going to fail before you start, you most certainly will. Examine your self and real goals and where you want to be 12,24, and 36 months from now. “Life ain’t a track meet, it’s a marathon” ~ Ice Cube …”and so is podcasting, especially on video” ~ Mario Fachini
• I’ve already tried a show before and it didn’t go how I anticipated, after all, I already invested, how do I keep going?
A) with belief that this time with the help of this course, and staying accountable to someone who’s done it and can guide you the results will be far greater, once you get your mindset in the realm of abundance and out of scarcity
• I’ve got to get my logo, website, audio recorder, the business registered, laundry done, and house re-roofed, THAN I’m going to launch |
A) Don’t get caught up with a case of perfection-itis, you will always be “getting ready” to launch, anxious when you do, never enjoy the journey and slow down all momentum, if any even gets built up, fail fast, and adjust, daily, take imperfect action, don’t guess at the next step, follow the blueprint
• All the answers in the world, as fun as you might think it is to make a spreadsheet of the stats, won’t produce an episode, it’s time to make it hap’n cap’n.
CALL your 1st guest, invite them on the show, tell them your booking link, answer any Q’s WHILE THEY GO THROUGH IT WITH YOU ON THE PHONE, approve the booking, and that’s it :) Tell them how excited you are to have them on.
Celebrate the win on all social media :)